You see various graphics around you. Designs that you would never imagine you can do yourself. YouTube alone features great graphics that trigger emotions and make you feel good. Who are the people behind these great designs? Let’s get to know the visual designers.
The Graphic / Visual Designer On YouTube
The aim of this post is to give visual designers the respect that some believe they deserve. What makes this so important to other people? Since they are constantly aware that graphic architecture is underappreciated. It is an art, not a hobby, and it is immensely useful in the production of popular items.
Visual design is a craft!
In the context of the rightly increasing importance of design thinking approaches, design sprints, and the increasing clarity about the meaning of the term ” UX design “, the basic understanding of the term design has changed.
The term “design” does not refer to the presence of objects on the outside. Design characterizes the design process, in the sense of a design process for user experience: beginning with the identification of needs and specifications, moving on to the design and execution of prototypes, as well as the review and optimization of such prototypes with customers.
Visual design works!
Emotions are triggered, aspirations are raised, and moods are shaped by visual design download a video so you can watch or hear it on Youtube or convert it through MP4 YouTube. As a result, visual design affects brand values, attitudes toward the product, and, most importantly, perceived utility, accessibility, and, finally, user experience.
The often invoked first, the sensory impression has long-term consequences. That has an effect on reflective and aesthetic assessments, and it is sustained after interacting with a product or program. It is an important determinant of how long you deal with an application, whether you reuse it and whether you speak about it favorably or negatively.
Measure the impact of visual designs
There are numerous approaches to measuring the effects of visual designs. And the nice thing about it: These approaches and procedures are not art, they are the classic craft of a market researcher or user researcher.
The approaches, which differ in details, show a similar, methodical approach. People from the target group are interviewed, for example represented using segmentation or persona approaches. The process of a visual design test is typically structured in 5-6 phases:
- The visual design is displayed for approx 5 seconds.
- There is a query about the “Likes & Dislike”.
- The design can now be viewed as long as the respondent wishes.
- Ratings are then collected. Standardized, tested measuring instruments such as the VisAWI are used.
- Finally, the design is displayed again. Derived on the basis of brand core values and the intended design effects, the study participants can select adjectives that describe the design from their point of view.
Explain the effects of visual designs
Visual designers have a well-stocked toolbox. Designers deliberately select objective design elements in order to evoke the desired subjective assessments in the viewer. They know about the effects of colors, shapes, structures, arrangements and surfaces. Visual designers know both the laws of design and the basic principles of aesthetics. Equipped with a certain experience, these are the central bases for creating effective visual designs.
Visual designs – first describe and then measure the effects!
Descriptive analysis is a simple but very effective measure on the way to a theoretical model. The visual designs to be evaluated in the context of design tests are described in detail. This property-oriented, purely descriptive preparatory work is the basis for recognizing both effect patterns and the central determinants of the effects.