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Ventilation: Value of Visual Design

Visual design is the strategic implementation of images, colors, fonts and other elements. This is to improve design and user interaction and involvement.

Visual design is different from interaction design. Interaction design focuses on the functions required to perform a task. The visual design engages users by drawing attention to proper functionality. iIt prioritizess activities on a user interface based on size, color and use of spaces.

Visual design is therefore much more than making a page “beautiful”. You can think of it more as a bridge between graphic design and user experience. In short, the visual design integrates static layouts and interactive elements to increase the usability of a product or service. Thus, ventilationsrensning Stockholm can benefit from the visual design.

Basic principles for good ventilation cleaning service visual design

A good design helps to perceive the design as a harmonious whole, which consists of immediately identifiable elements and not as scattered chaos of individual parts. In this regard, the first golden rule is to remove whatever is not needed.

The good organization and consequently the communicative effectiveness of an interface depends on this preliminary design phase.

General principles to create a good ventilation cleaning service layout

Unity: elements on a page that visually or conceptually belong to the same group by proximity, similar characteristics, etc.

ventilationsrensning Stockholm

Space: the void that contains the elements and lies between them. The so-called negative space or white space is crucial to reduce visual noise, improve readability and give room to the layout.

Contrast: it highlights some elements that emphasize the difference in size, color, direction and position in space. It has a very strategic value because it guides the eye where it is considered important.

Hierarchy: it makes the difference in value between elements of the layout immediately visible. Use contrast through different sizes and/or families of fonts, colors and positions within the layout.

Balance: it creates the perception that there is a balanced distribution of the elements in the room (it does not necessarily mean symmetry).

Dominance: it concentrates the focus on a certain element to which all others are subordinate. For this purpose, there may be differences in size, color, position and shape.

Similarity: it gives coherence and continuity to a design project, making the structure and usability of one or more interfaces easier to understand.

Rhythm: the visual rhythm uses the principle of repeating graphic and/or structural elements according to a precise pattern in order to restore a feeling of immediate familiarity with the user interface.
